Referat af møde i Arbejdsmiljøudvalget på Institut for Datalogi, fredag d. 30. juni 2017

Til stede: Gudmund Frandsen, Kurt Jensen, Olav Bertelsen, Annemette Hammer, Dorthe h Nielsen, Sofia Rasmussen, Marianne Dammand Iversen og Søren Poulsen

Afbud: Kasper Munch Terkelsen, Ellen Noer og Ira Assent


1.    Status for udførelsen af handleplanerne for den Psykiske APV (kort oplæg ved formændene for de fire grupper samt BiRC)

2.    Orientering fra FAMU (ved Olav)

3.    Orientering om eventuelle arbejdsulykker og sygefravær

4.    Status for deltagelse i de obligatoriske AMU kurser

5.    Eventuelt

Ang. punkt 1 Status for udførelsen af handleplanerne for den Psykiske APV

This part will be in English as it will be used to communicate the process to all employees at the department.

Status on the action plan for tenured academic staff

Over all the action plan is progressing well as expected.

The goal is to reduce occurrence of severe stress to zero.

The ST stress folder together with the management commitment is an important result.

Lars Birkedal ensures clear expectations to each Faculty member including that expectations can vary over time. Also he continuously makes clear that the quality of work performed depends on the available resources. Sometimes “good/average” may be sufficient.

Lars evaluates his actions mid way, ultimo 2017.

Lars Birkedal detects stress warnings during the staff development dialogues (MUS). A report will be given at the LSU meeting 11 September, and possible adjustments to the “MUS concept” will be discussed. This report and the ST stress folder will also be discussed in the research committee to enable all research group leaders to detect stress on a day to day basis.

In the fall 2017 Olav will discuss with Lars how the stress preventing resources are applied at the department.

The good initiatives continue and are on track. Will be evaluated ultimo 2017.

The goal is that all employees, including faculty, should feel like part of a large social community.

Action on this is pending. Several good initiatives have been taken, but it should be discussed at a faculty meeting if that group wants to take a more active role. Discussion at faculty meeting in the fall and subsequent discussion in LSU/LAMU.

The negative impact of the work on private life
Olav will discuss with Lars how a focus on the long term effect on private life for each faculty can be incorporated in the MUS.

Status on the action plan for postdocs

The initiatives implemented are the welcome meetings, where the new post doc, supervisor and a post doc committee member meet within the first 2 months of the new post doc’s employment. This meeting ensures that expectations regarding the employment are aligned for both postdoc and supervisor. An annual event/talk about how to get research funding has been implemented. The committee arranges 4 annual events or talks of general interest to the post doc group. To ensure relevant topics are chosen the post doc committee members are asked at committee meetings. As the post doc group is rather small (approximately 20 postdocs) we try to include the PhD group at one of the 4 annual talks/events when and if relevant. This next event will be 7 September 2017

Status on the action plan for PhD students

Overall, the work with the objectives in the WPC for PhD students at CS is going well. Almost all objectives have been met or work on them is initiated.

Improve general well-being
Many PhD students have express loneliness or a sense on not belonging. The quarterly lunches and the annual retreat are therefore of great value. This year the retreat was combined with the Postdocs and both groups expressed that it was a great event on both the academic and the social scale. Next event is planned for September 7. This will be a workshop focusing on stress and imposter syndrome. Many have expressed interest in this, so the PhD and Postdoc committee expect a great turn-out.

PhD students have been encouraged to share event with each other in the hope of creating better bonds between PhD students across the department. This has led to the fact that two PhD students (from Logic and Semantics and Cryptography and Security) have revived JuniorKlubben, which is a social iniciative for PhD students run by PhD students. The department donates an amount of money and the PhD administrator helps facilitate the events. First event was on June 14 with a great turnout. Next event is planned for August 2017.

The PhD administrator has spoken to other departments at the GSST PhD administrator meeting where all departments at ST get together. All presented their initiatives for their PhD students. CS seemed to be at the forefront of initiative and thereby inspiring other but we didn’t learning anything new that could be implemented here.

Cooperation and matching expectation
To ensure all PhD students get a good start, they are invited to a welcome meeting with Head of PhD committee as well as an information meeting at GSST. The PhD students will be informed about local matters. This is followed up by email with relevant information by PhD administrator.


Stress prevention
Focus on stress will be handled at the workshop about stress and imposter syndrome on September 7 – event is co-hosted with the Postdoc committee. Moreover, head of secretariat will make sure tenured staff will have a discussion about how to be a good supervisor at a future fastvip meeting. For some PhD students it is stressful to TA. It has been made clearer in the emails to them that it is a possibility to withdraw from some of the TA tasks with a salary reduction. However, all must meet the teaching requirements.

Status on the action plan for administrative team

Over all the action plan is progressing well.

To increase the cohesion between the administrative center and the administrative colleagues at the ST departments, members of the administrative team at CS has organized a seminar for all administrative colleagues at Science and Technology on how to work more effectively. It has been a great success – both the subject of the seminar and the fact that the participants are a mix of colleagues from the administrative center and departments at Science and Technology.

As a new research group coordinator will be hired in 2017 and due to the digitization initiative at CS, new tasks will be redistributed among the administrative team to make sure that the workload is distributed in an appropriate way. Throughout the year, the work load is discussed at the team meetings taking place every second week.

To help new colleagues having a good start at the department, the administrative team will assign a wingman to the new research group coordinator, who will serve as a mentor for the new colleague. The new office trainee, who will start in September 2017, will have the two colleagues responsible for office trainees as her wingmen/women.

As regards knowledge sharing across departments at ST and the administrative center, the Head of Administration at CS is waiting for the Workzone project to start. It is the plan to implement the project sometimes during 2017.

As for knowledge sharing on how to resolve possible future conflicts and define the roles of the people involved, the Head of Department is in the process of finding out how to address this making use of dialogue tools for handling conflicts.

Ang. Punkt 2: Orientering fra FAMU

Dorthe kom med en kort status over de indsatsområder, der har været diskuteret I FAMU:

Der er fokus på beredskabsøvelser. Der er opbakning fra FAMU til at det fortsat skal ligge i arbejdsmiljøorganisationerne (AMO) i tæt samarbejde med drift.

Der har i 2016 været færre arbejdsulykker. Til gengæld har der været en lille stigning i sygefravær for ST medarbejdere. Hvad angår psykologiske rådgivningsforløb, så har der Q1 2017 sammenlignet med Q1 i 2016 været en fordobling af igangsatte forløb, hvilket er en stigning på 3 ift. kvartalsgennemsnittet. På AU er tallet steget med i alt 17 ekstra forløb i Q1 2017 sammenlignet med Q1 2016.

Der er derfor fortsat fokus på forebyggelse og håndtering af stress. FAMU følger i 2017 udviklingen tæt for at se, om der er grundlag for at intensivere indsatsen. AMO har i juni måned udsendt en pjece til alle enheder omkring ”forebyggelse og håndtering af stress”. Det har dog desværre vist sig, at de mange steder ikke er blevet omdelt til medarbejderne.  På CS vil repræsentanter for LAMU omdele pjecerne i medarbejdernes dueslag lige inden sommerferien.

HR tilbyder alle ledergrupper workshops og sparring ift stress. Kurserne vil blive udbudt på både dansk og engelsk. Annemette Hammer og Lars Birkedal har tilmeldt sig et stress symposium til august 2017.

Til sidst gjorde Dorthe opmærksom på, at der i 2018 vil være valg af arbejdsmiljørepræsentant i FAMU. FAMU vil brainstorme på hvordan man kan formidle at arbejdet som arbejdsmiljørepræsentant er spændende og attraktivt.

Ang. punkt 3 Orientering om eventuelle arbejdsulykker og sygefravær

Der har ikke været nogen arbejdsulykker eller nærved ulykker på CS. Antallet af sygedage er på niveau med tidligere år.

Ang. punkt 4 Status for deltagelse i de obligatoriske AMU kurser

Ved sidste LAMU møde blev det konstateret, at det kun er Kasper Munch Terkelsen, der endnu ikke har været på det obligatoriske AMU kursus. Da Kasper ikke var til stede ved dette møde, er det uklart om han har deltaget i kurset. Dette vil blive tjekket op på ved næste møde.

Medarbejdere ved AU har mulighed for at deltage i en række kurser, som relaterer til arbejdsmiljøområdet. Kurserne kan findes på

Ang. punkt 5 Eventuelt

Kurt opfordrede til at instituttets hjemmeside omkring arbejdsmiljø blev tjekket. Marianne kikker på dette.

Søren fortalte om de udfordringer instituttet har ift lab områder. Der er p.t. store hold af studerende, der skal bruge lab områderne, så det er nødvendigt at udvide dem. Dette er sat i proces. Labområderne skal arbejdsmijømæssigt  opgraderes. Dette vil ske i perioden mellem re-eksamen og semesterstart.

Chomsky labbet er slidt og Annemette undersøger om ST vil finansiere nyt gulv.