High schools, from all over Denmark, competed yesterday in a qualification tournament to represent Denmark at the international First Global Robot…
On October 3, 2019, the paper The Simplest Multi-key Linearly Homomorphic Signature Schemes will be presented at LatinCrypt 2019. The paper is partly…
On October 8th, ALICE will host an afternoon event celebrating both Ada Lovelace, women in STEM, and not least the launch of ALICE.
Congratulations to Peyman Afshani who received the ESA best paper award for Fragile Complexity of Comparison-Based Algorithms at the ALGO 2019 in…
One of the most important things to get for a successful start at university is a well-functioning study group. The HatchIt resident UniHelpr has…
Congratulations to Panos Karras who has been awarded a FTP grant the form of DKK 2.730.196 for this project entitled "Harnessing Influences in…
Then sign up for the Danish championship in programming, which will be hosted at the department on October 5. For more info, see facebook.com/datalogi
Professor Jesper Buus Nielsen gave the opening speech. He gave a talk about the inside of the engine of the third generation blockchains, and the work…
On September 5, 2019, Jesper Buus Nielsen will be keynote speaker at the conference Driving IT Aarhus with the talk "A Look Inside the Engine of the…