Ada Lovelace Day and ALICE Network Launch event
On October 8th, ALICE will host an afternoon event celebrating both Ada Lovelace, women in STEM, and not least the launch of ALICE.

ALICE is the new network, focusing on women in tech at Aarhus University. ALICE – Alliance for Women in IT, Computing and Engineering at Aarhus University – has been created by students and employees from the Department of Computer Science, and the newly founded network seeks to promote, support, and strengthen women in computing sciences, engineering, and technology. ALICE invites both students, faculty, and alumni who are interested in computing to join, regardless of gender or exact field of study. Furthermore, are individuals from the surrounding community and those from companies that are interested in sponsoring ALICE’s activities also welcome.
The goal of ALICE is to create a community for women in computing. ALICE’s primary mission is to provide an environment to encourage educations and professional development, raise awareness about issues women face in the field, and organize activities to inspire women to pursue careers in computing.
The event takes place at Building 5334-016 (Nygaard building, Peter Bøgh Auditorium, October 8th, from 16:00 to 19:30. The event is open for everyone: students, employees, men and women alike, but to ensure there are refreshments for everyone attending please sign up at:
16.00 – 16.15 Welcome and Introduction to ALICE (Marianne Graves Petersen, Associate Professor at CS)
16.15 – 16.35 Gender Balance in Academia (Gopinaath Kannabiran, Post Doc at CS )
16.35 – 16.55 Multi Party Computation Talk (Cryptography) (Sophia Yakoubov, Post Doc at CS)
16.55 - 17.15 Break
17.15 - 17.35 Industrial Talk (Henriette Bladt, MSc Engineering, Mechanical Engineer at Phillips-Medisize)
17.35 - 17.55 A Student Perspective on Choosing to Study Computer Science (Aïna Linn Georges)
17.55 – 18.15 Organizing Committee for IT Camp (Mikkel and Louise)
18.15 - 18.35 Perspectives on Gender and Culture from a Life lived as a Manager in both Industry and University (Gitte Møldrup CEO at MH3)
18.35 - 19.30 Reception, Networking and Finger Food
We look forward to seeing you!