On the basis of his ground-breaking research, which is of inestimable importance for the understanding of modern complex programming languages,…
The Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF) has just awarded a postdoctoral grant under the Natural Sciences program to Kasper Svendsen and…
The street number for the entrance to the Nygaard building from Helsingforsgade is from now on number 12 - instead of number 14 (earlier) which is the…
While processors becomes an ever greater force, the human world is almost reinvented in line with what is technologically possible. Today, we…
In January 2014, researchers from the “Cryptography and Security” group of the Department of Computer Science of Aarhus University contacted Nets…
The Hyperkinetic Kayak is the result of a collaboration between the artist Jette Gejl, Peter Møller-Nielsen from Department of Computer Science and…
Researchers have just shown that it is relatively simple to reidentify people based on a few details about the use of credit cards when the data sets…