Congratulations to the entire Coana team, who has raised $1.6 million in a preseed round led by Sequoia Capital 🎉🎉
Congratulations to Professor Ioannis Caragiannis who has been awarded the Kalai Prize 2024. The Prize is presented by the Game Theory Society every…
Congratulations to assistant professor Amin Timany and professor Lars Birkedal, for winning the distinguished paper award at POPL 2024. The award was…
Congratulations to Anders Møller who is one of 52 new ACM Distinguished Members. Anders is acknowledged for his "outstanding contributions in static…
Congratulations to postdoc Simon Oddershede Gregersen who has received an Internationalisation Fellowship grant from Carlsbergfondet for the projoct…
Droner og microbit’s blev sluppet løs, da 12 folkeskoleelever i dag besøgte os til erhvervspraktik 👨💻👩💻 I løbet af dagen viste studerende fra…
We extend our congratulations to H.M. King Frederik X and H.M. Queen Mary on the royal succession! At the same time, we send a huge thank you to H.M.…