Kasper Svendsen and Thomas Dinsdale-Young receive PostDoctoral grants.
The Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF) has just awarded a postdoctoral grant under the Natural Sciences program to Kasper Svendsen and another under the Technology and Production Sciences program to Thomas Dinsdale-Young.

Kasper Svendsen receives DKK 1,823,032 to the project Program Logics for Relaxed Memory Models and will spend the grant in Cambridge.
Thomas Dinsdale-Young receives DKK 1,826,918 to the project Automated Verification for Concurrent Programs. He will be staying here at CS in Aarhus.
Kasper and Thomas were the only PostDocs from the Department who applied for this call's grants at DFF, so it is with great pleasure that we can announce a success rate of 100% for the applications.
In total Science and Technology received 8 postdoctoral grants. Read article.