The department welcomes 234 new bachelor students

On Wednesday, the Department of Computer Science welcomed 234 new students. For the next three years, they will be studying either IT Product development or Computer Science. Two degrees that are in high demand on the job market, which welcomes them with open arms; ”I am delighted, that so many students have chosen an it-education. It taps into a much needed workforce in the future. IT plays a key role in Bankdata and in the digitalization of our society on a whole. At Bankdata we have employees from both computer science and IT product development, and we have a strong tradition of following the it-students through events and sponsorships. We look forward to following your progress during the next three years,” says HR director Mette Marie Buhl from Bankdata, which supplies 10 Danish banks with it-solutions.
A little after 11 on August 22, the new students were all seated in the Peter Bøgh Auditorium, where they will find themselves many times during the course of their three year long bachelor degree. Acting head of the department Kurt Jensen welcomed the new students. After three days of introductions, beer and fun with their new fellow students the new semester starts on August 27. Out of the 234 students, 182 are enrolled in Computer Science, while 52 have been accepted into the IT Product Development program.
The department would like to welcome you all, and we have gathered some good advice for university-newbies.