This years edition of the Madalgo Summer School will take place on August 11-14, 2014 at Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO) at the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University

The MADALGO Summer School 2014 will introduce attendees to the latest developments in learning at scale. The topics will include high dimensional inference, algorithmic perspectives on learning and optimization, and challenges in learning with huge data.
This years lecturer will be:
* Amr Ahmed (Google)
* Mikhail Belkin (Ohio State)
* Stefanie Jegelka (Berkeley)
* Ankur Moitra (MIT)
The school is targeted at graduate students, as well as researchers interested in an in-depth introduction to Learning. Registration will open soon at the school webpage.
Registration is free on a first-come-first serve basis - handouts, coffee breaks, lunches and a dinner will be provided by MADALGO and Aarhus University.