Take care of your data
IT Support is currently involved in many cases with computers, where the hard disk is damaged or you have deleted files and have regretted it afterwards. IT-Support uses a lot of hours trying to restore these data, and often they must give up. It is IT-Support's time, the employee's time and potentially very important data that is lost.

We therefore encourage you to take backup of your data on a daily basis.
If you have a Windows computer, the best way is to have a so-called "AD-machine', i.e. that the computer has been reported in our AD, and automatically has a copy of Documents and the Desk on our file server. The system takes continuous backup (every 3 hours as well as every night), and this helps to ensure that no data will be lost. If it is absolute necessary to run a computer as "a workgroup", you have to make the backup yourself. We recommend to backup data on the personal network drive.
Is your computer a Mac, AU has a small program called AUITUtility (colloquially called “Hummeren” ), which allows you to make backup of your computer on an AU network drive. Otherwise it is recommended to save directly on the personal network drive.
If your computer runs Linux, it is a little different, how it has been set up, depending on which department you belong to. It is recommended to save directly on, or regularly copy local files on the personal network drive.
Read more about how to connect your network drive here: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/it/ithovedomraader/it-st/aarhus/file-servers/
Read more on Information Security website: http://www.au.dk/informationssikkerhed/sikkerhedskopiering/