SummerPIT talk by Winslow Burleson

Human Computer Interaction Strategies to Advance Personalized Learning, Creativity, Health and Well-Being

Info about event


Monday 19 August 2013,  at 11:30 - 12:30


5335-395 Nygaard Møderum 395



Advances in wearable and ambient sensors, responsive spaces, robots and relational agents present transformative opportunities to  develop context and affect aware systems for Personalized Learning, Creativity, Health and Well-Being.  Affective Learning Companions, real-time multi-modal characters, are beginning to sense and respond to learners’ affective cues. Creativity research methodologies and support tools are advancing empirical investigations in research organizations and everyday life. Astronaut Robot Mission Simulators and Robotic Pet-Building activities are empowering project based teams and education through novel Human-Robot Interactions. Smart-homes, programed by individuals, families, and care-givers are empowering personalized e-health and well-being. These projects and systems are advancing new forms of Human-Computer Interaction and Ubiquitous Computing methods, theories, technologies, architectures, and environments.