SummerPIT talk by Ole Iversen and Christian Dindler

Sustaining PD initiatives

Info about event


Wednesday 14 August 2013,  at 11:30 - 12:30


5335-395 Nygaard Møderum 395



While many Participatory Design (PD) projects succeed in establishing new organizational initiatives or creating technologies that are attuned to the people affected, the issue of how such initiatives are sustained after the project ends remains an important challenge. We explore the challenge of sustaining PD initiatives beyond the individual project and discuss implications for PD practice. First, we distinguish maintaining, scaling, replicating and evolving as distinct strategies for sustaining PD initiatives. Second, we demonstrate from a case study how these strategies are operationalized in PD practice and the ways in which they overlap and complement each other. Third, we outline general
implications for PD practice, arguing the need to focus on relational work and positioning work as integral parts of PD practice.