SummerPIT talk by Markus Foth

New Design Opportunities of Next Generation Screens for Participation and Engagement

Info about event


Wednesday 21 August 2013,  at 10:15 - 11:15


5335-395 Nygaard Møderum 395



The city has become increasingly saturated with new digital screens, from small programmable wrist watches to large multi-touch display facilities. These next generation screens promise

more immersive user experiences, better participation and richer engagement. This talk will explore how personal, domestic and public screens beg for new theory and open up new  platforms for innovative future designs.

Based on:

Foth, M., Fischer, F., & Satchell, C. (2013, May 3-5). From Movie Screens to Moving Screens: Mapping Qualities of New Urban Interactions. In J. Geiger, O. Khan, M. Shepard (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th MediaCities conference (pp. 194-204). Buffalo, NY.