Aarhus University contributes to ACM SIGPLAN
The ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) explores programming language concepts and tools, focusing on design, implementation, practice, and theory. SIGPLAN’s 2,000 members are programming language developers, educators, implementers, researchers, theoreticians, and users from all over the world. Since July 2021, Professor Anders Møller has been Vice Chair of the group.

Anders Møller is a busy man, besides being vice head of department, research group leader, teacher, head of PhD programme, and a very active researcher, he also finds the time to be vice chair for ACM SIGPLAN, which he was elected for by SIGPLAN’s members. The position is voluntary for a three-year period, elected among the members, and Anders describes it as a kind of research community service, which he is proud and happy to conduct.
ACM SIGPLAN sponsors many conferences on programming languages, organizes workshops and summer schools, hands out travel grants to students, and bestows several awards to recognize service and achievements in the programming language community.
Especially the conferences are a focal point in Anders’ role as vice chair. He works to ensure the correct expertise and diversity in conference chairs and program committees at all SIGPLAN conferences. Besides that, Anders reviews and approves SIGPLAN workshops and events to ensure high quality for the participants. Furthermore, Anders is part of many conference organizing committees, where he helps coordinating events and exchanging best practices. A topic where a lot of best practices currently are being shared is the format of online and hybrid conferences. Even though hybrid conferences are a necessity of lockdowns during Covid-19 it seems they are here to stay, and it is important that the organizing committees learn from each other.
The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of SIGPLAN; these require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity. For these reasons, SIGPLAN is dedicated to harassment-free experiences.
Founded in 1947, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world's largest scientific and educational computing society with more than 100,000 student and professional members. ACM is an umbrella organization with 38 Special Interest Groups (SIG) focusing on specific topics within computing. The 38 ACM Special Interest Groups were formed to address the varied needs of today's IT professionals. Each SIG organizes itself around those specific activities that best serve both its practitioner- and research-based constituencies.
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