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Well attended annual DABAI conference on Data Science DK

On March 29, more than 200 participants from industry, universities and private and public organisations attended the annual DABAI conference on Data Science DK. DABAI (DAnish Center for Big Data Analytics driven Innovation) was launched by the Innovation Fund Denmark in May 2016.

Professor Lars Arge, Dept. of Computer Science, presents his research on Efficient Algorithms for Flood Risk Analysis, at the annual DABAI conference.
Professor Lars Arge, Dept. of Computer Science, presents his research on Efficient Algorithms for Flood Risk Analysis, at the annual DABAI conference.

The Department of Computer Science plays a key role in DABAI and both project managers Professor Kaj Grønbæk and Professor Lars Arge, Department of Computer Science, presented their research at the conference together with postdoc Allan Grønlund. Finally the day ended by having three young scientists from Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University presenting their research within the data science field.


The vision of DABAI is to place world-class computer science Big Data analysis research and innovation at the core of an effort to seize opportunities in domains of importance to Danish businesses and society. With a 17 million Euro budget DABAI will discover Big Data-based solutions for issues such as predicting floods, ensuring more efficient patient journal handling and providing better traceability of foods over the next four years.