Onsdag den 20 marts hjalp IT-produktudviklingsstuderende Marie-Louise Stisen Sørensen og Ninna Hoffmann? pigerne i Digipipi Klub Aarhus med at bygge…
As part of an ambitious strategic investment to radically expand the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University - an international top-100…
Associate Professor in Cryptology from Aarhus University, Claudio Orlandi, is in the running when the US organisation NIST (The National Institute of…
At the end of the year, Ole Lehrmann Madsen will retire as CEO of Alexandra Instituttet and return to his professorship at the department. Ole will…
The Cryptography and Security Group of Aarhus University has received DKK 8 million from the Carlsberg Foundation as part of the Center for…
As the first Dane ever, associate professor in computer science, Aarhus University, Kasper Green Larsen, received the international 2019 EATCS…