Congratulations to Professor Jesper Buus Nielsen who has received DKK 5.5 mill. from Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF – Natur og Univers) to do…
On October 25, Aarhus University celebrated all their talented dual-career students. We are very proud to announce that all the entrepreneurial…
Professor Ira Assent has been appointed new member of the Industrial Research Committee at the Innovation Fund within the field of information and…
Congratulations to Chaya Ganesh, who has been invited to participate in MIT’s EECS Rising stars workshop 2018.
For 13. år i træk afholder Institut for Datalogi IT Camp for piger i efterårsferien, og der er stor efterspørgsel på pladserne. Selvom flere andre…
Måske er de den gymnasieårgang, der nu ved mest om bæredygtighed i hele landet. I hvert fald blev 370 elever fra Aarhus Tech lidt klogere, da de…