Our first-year students recently demonstrated their prototypes from the IT product design course (check them all out in this Flicker album). This…
11. juni offentliggjorde Uddannelses- og forskningsministeriet, at man vil øge optaget på en lang række videregående uddannelser i 2020 og 2021, fordi…
Innovation Fund Denmark supports the CoronaLytics project with 4 M DKK. From University of Aarhus, Professor Kaj Grønbæk of the Department of Computer…
Det danske app start-up Reflectly har for nyligt rundet 10 mio. brugere. På tre år har de tre stiftere, hvoraf to har læst IT-Produktudvikling,…
Congratulations to Professor Ivan Damgård who yesterday was awarded the PKC (the Public Key Cryptography conference ) Test of Time Award. The award…