This past weekend, two teams from Aarhus University competed in the Northwestern Europe Regional Championship (NWERC) in Competitive Programming in…
Lektor Aslan Askarov har modtaget en bevilling på 3.166.844 kr. fra Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond til sit projekt Foundations of Secure Resource…
Yesterday, Micro:bit Educational Foundation launched micro:bit CreateAI - a free, web-based tool designed to make artificial intelligence accessible,…
The FAEST project submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standardization process for post-quantum digital signature…
Last week, an international expert panel conducted the five-year research evaluation of the Department. We are proud and flattered by the positive…
Tillykke til alumne Michael Ustrup, som har modtaget master i it’s ambassadørpris 🎉 Prisen anerkender hans flotte resultater og engagement i…
I denne uge deltog kandidatstuderende Mai R. Thøgersen og alumne Rasmus F. Kjeldsen i ASSETS 2024. Deres forskningsartikel, "Echolocation as an…