Three students from IT product development - Mads Kleeman, André Schmidt and Oskar Andersen - have developed the DropPoint infotainment system for…
The Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University will welcome 11 new international students from countries such as Czech Republic, Italy, China…
Lars Birkedal, Professor and Head of Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, has been awarded a Facebook Faculty Research Award. The award…
In his master thesis, Anders Dalskov from Department of Computer Science, investigated the security of the popular cloud-storage solution SpiderOak…
The Aarhus University Board has approved a plan to significantly expand Aarhus University's efforts in the area of digitalization, which will be…
Kasper Green Larsen, adjunkt på Institut for Datalogi, Aarhus Universitet, forsker i hvordan computerprogrammer udregner det rigtige resultat på den…
Associate professor Niels Olof Bouvin has won awards for being the best teacher at both CS and at the faculty. In terms of colorful offices he might…