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SummerPIT talk Giorgios Papadopoulos

Networked money; circulation of economic value in code and interfaces

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Mandag 19. august 2013,  kl. 10:15 - 11:15


5335-395 Nygaard Møderum 395



Money is progressively immersed in computer networks, adding a further layer of mediation in the systems of economic interaction. In an attempt to understand the transformation of the market in the aftermath of the ICT revolution, I investigate how economic value is circulating in electronic networks of communication focusing on the two of the most important of their constitutive elements, namely interfaces and code. In my previous work I have elaborated on the isomorphisms between the structure of linguistic communication and the system of prices (Papadopoulos 2012). In this presentation I will expand upon these similarities, trying to forge a relation between code and money via language. Analyzing code as a distinct type of language falls back upon the recent work in the emerging field of software studies (Cox 2002013; Galloway 2004, 2006, 2009; Galloway & Thacker 2002; Genette 1997). Next to the pragmatics of the code and their impact on electronic money, the aesthetic dimension of informatization, an aesthetic that is entangled in the architecture of the code and the interface, should also be investigated in a move that completes the analysis of informatization of electronic money, by addressing both the affective and the rational investment to the form of money. The resulting theoretical framework could provide an updated theory of money suitable for the network society and market.