Study trials 2019
This week, 62 high school students are joining our department for the annual study trial, where they will to get an insight into the life as a student at Aarhus University.

Study trials is a three-day event at Aarhus University, where students from all over the country can tryout their perhaps future study. This yea, 62 students have chosen to visit department of computer science to learn more about our two programs computer sicence and IT-product development. At Computer Science, 49 high school students will this week get a feel for how it is to study Computer Science. Furthermore, 12 students will grapple with the world of IT Product Development.
The event allows high school students to get an insight into almost every aspect of life as a university student. How is it to be a student of computer science, and what exactly is computer science and IT-product Development? The program is tailored to answer these questions, and any other questions the participants may have. This is accomplished by having a program that mixes presentations with exciting exercises. Additionally, the participants will get a chance to meet and talk to students and teachers from the department.
Participants at Computer Science will get an insight into some of the courses students of Computer Science have throughout their program. Algorithmics, cyber-security, and programming are just some of the subjects the participants will get an iroductoin to. The participants will not only hear exciting presentations about the subjects but also get hands-on experience with fun and challenging exercises such as Capture the flag.
Those participating at study trials at IT-Product Development will also experience an exciting mixture of presentations and hands-on experience, as they attend different workshops throughout the event, such as a workshop about prototyping.
After each day of study trials, the participants can join multiple after-study activities, which allows them to experience campus-life in Aarhus, as well as meeting future study-buddies and in general get a taste for life as a student at Aarhus University. After-study activities include events such as a view over the city of Aarhus from the book-tower, a quiz-night, and much more. You can get an overview of the after-study activities here (Danish only).