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PITalk with Christopher Frauenberger: Knowing what you do - reflection and Participatory Design

Participatory approaches to designing technology have become widespread in a variety of forms and for a variety of reasons. Participatory design (PD) strives to share visions, power and responsibility over alternative futures and thus, it lies in its nature that the process is fluid and unpredictable.

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Onsdag 15. maj 2013,  kl. 14:00 - 15:30


CAVI meeting room (Dreyer 5345-201)

ractice that enables designers and participants to re-shape visions or the process. However, PD is multi-facetted, complex and situated so that reflection becomes a difficult task in itself. We propose a framework for reflection that aims to guide designers, researchers and participants in critically assessing their PD processes. The framework consists of four lenses which aim to shed light on the qualities of processes from different angles: values, stakeholders, outcomes and knowledge. We argue that supporting reflective practice through such a framework has three major benefits: firstly, it provides a basis for informed decision making during the process through systematic reflection-in-action. Secondly, it helps communicating PD processes within projects, organisations or to the general public. And thirdly, it articulates tacit knowledge that would otherwise be lost. We ground the discussion in our experiences with co-designing a technologically enhanced learning environment with children with autism in the ECHOES project.

Christopher Frauenberger is an Interaction Design Researcher at University of Sussex, UK.