New Professor at the department
Anders Møller (41) has been appointed professor at the Department of Computer Science as of 1 April. His appointment will be celebrated on 5 May 2017 with an inaugural lecture followed by a reception at the department.
Professor Møller has received worldwide recognition for his research. In 2010, he was awarded a Sapere Aude Starting Grant, and this was followed in 2015 by a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant, which is awarded to promising researchers in Europe. He has also received research awards from Google and IBM. Professor Møller’s field of research is programming language and software development, with a focus on program analysis and web programming. He is director of the research group at the Centre for Advanced Software Analysis, which includes five PhD students, two postdoctoral fellows, and partners in both Europe and the USA. The group develops new techniques for ensuring high-quality software and increased productivity for programmers.
In addition to his research, Professor Møller teaches subjects ranging from the theory of computability to practical web programming.
Professor Møller completed his PhD in Computer Science at Aarhus University in 2002. He subsequently worked at the department as an assistant professor and subsequently associate professor, prior to being appointed professor.
Inaugural lecture
5 May 2017 at 14:15.
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University
Peter Bøgh Lecture Theatre (building 5535, room 016)
Åbogade 34
8200 Aarhus N
The lecture is open to the public.