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Inaugural Lecture by Amin Timany on Formal and Foundational Study of Programs and Programming Languages

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Fredag 6. december 2024,  kl. 14:15 - 15:00


InCuba Lille Auditorium (Building: 5510 - Room: 104), Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus N


Free DKK


Formal and Foundational Study of Programs and Programming Languages


In this talk, I will introduce the formal and foundational approach that I take in my research studying programs and programming languages. I will present how we use mathematical techniques and formal logic to express and prove properties of programs. This line of research falls under the intersection of mathematics, logic, and computer science. One of the important applications of this field of research is expressing and proving different aspects of correctness of programs which are crucial for the safety and security of the software systems that we use every day.