High school teachers acquiring IT-skills at Department of Computer Science
This spring, 30 high school teachers from all over the country have attended a course in programming at Aarhus University. Programming is one of several subject areas in the new high school IT-course “Informatik”, which is offered at high schools across Denmark.

- The teachers’ background in terms of learning how to program has been widely different, but common to them all is that they have tackled the course and assignments with great enthusiasm and drive, says Kurt Jensen, professor at Department of Computer Science. During the spring of 2017, Kurt Jensen has upgraded 30 high school teachers from all over the country with new IT skills, so they are able to code small applications in the programming language Java.
Some have enrolled in the course due to professional or personal interest. Others with "a gun to their head", since they will be teaching the new high school IT-course “Informatik” after the summer holidays. Informatik will be a mandatory subject at all Danish business schools (HHX), while it is offered as an elective course at most high schools in Denmark (STX and HTX). Read the full article here - including interviews with four of the high school teachers (in Danish).