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CS Teaching and Student Awards

Congratulations to the award winners at the annual Computer Science Day 2015


Teacher of the Year Award

Niels Olof Bouvin wins on the basis of 32% of the votes from Computer Science and IT students.

Niels Olof wins the award for his passion for all aspects of teaching, and especially for his great efforts at the 2.year course:"Pervasive Computing"

Quotes (from the evaluation of the courses Pervasive Computing and Computerarkitektur):

- den bedste forelæser vi har haft. desuden jeg er glad for muligheden for at få podcasted forelæsningerne.

- Fremragende forelæsninger som altid.

- Meget kompetent forelæser, der hverken siger for meget eller for lidt.

- Til tider en smule distraherende med My Little Pony tshirts til forelæsningerne, men han må endelig IKKE ændre på det!

Teaching Assistant of the Year awards

Awarded to two teaching assistants with consistent outstanding evaluation scores and remarks in course evaluations.

PhD student Mathias Rav

TA : dAds1, dPersp

  • Mathias er altid hjælpsom og utrolig dygtig til at formidle stoffet, så alle forstår det.
  • Svært stof. Utrolig god formidling; god til at mærke holdet af og være til rådighed
  • Kudos til Rav for at være meget tilstedeværende i undervisningen.

IT-student Daniel Graungaard

TA : Great IT-Innovations, Programmering2, Physical Design,

  • Imponerende indsats.
  • Rigtig god til feedback, og gjorde gerne en ekstra indsats for at hjælpe
  • Se der er en mand med et fuldskæg, der vil frem i verden

CS Student award 2014

Awarded to a student who has contributed to the study-environment, originated extracurricular activities, or in other ways has initiated activities for the benefit of the dept. 

Kasper Sacharias Roos Eenberg (CS Master Student)

  • Active in Dept. Committees
  • Chair of DSAU
  • Involved in many student driven  activities such as the Katrinebjerg Karrieredag, Regnecentralen etc.

Through the last 4 years Kasper has been one of the main drivers in many of the student driven activities at CS – he has been active in committees, student forums and association and is currently the chair of DSAU (Studenterforeningen for Datalogistuderende på AU)

Special award

Michael Caspersen: Special award for teaching and developing  the"Introduction to programming" course for almost a decade