Associate Professor Kasper Green Larsen receives Sapere Aude grant to boost his research
Congratulations to Kasper Green Larsen, who is among the 35 outstanding Sapere Aude research leaders, whom the Independent Research Fund Denmark has pointed out as being among the most capable young researchers. Kasper receives DKK 6,185,861 for his project "Data Structure Techniques in Cryptography and Machine Learning".

Data structures is a central field in computer science that studies how efficiently data can be stored and searched on a computer. The field is very mature and many strong techniques have been developed for both designing new data structures, but also for proving mathematically that the current data structures are optimal, i.e. they cannot possible be improved. A recent line of work has successfully, and quite surprisingly, used data structure techniques to settle long-standing open problems in cryptography and machine learning. This project will push that line of work much further by designing provably optimal algorithms in cryptography and machine learning via applications of data structure techniques.