And the CS Award goes to…
In keeping with tradition, the winners of the CS Awards are always announced at Computer Science Day. This year was no exception as the awards for "Teacher of the Year", "Teaching Assistant of the Year" and "CS student Awards" all were announced friday afternoon. Congratulations to the award winners!

More pictures from CS Awards and Computer Science Day are available at our facebook page
Teacher of the Year 2017:
Gerth Stølting Brodal (Algorithms and Data Structures).
Since 2012 the “Teacher of the year award” has been awarded to a tenured lecturer from Department of Computer Science. The winner is found as a result of a student poll. Gerth Stølting Brodal wins the award for his passion for all aspects of teaching, and especially for his great efforts at the course Algorithms and Data Structures.
Professor Gerth Stølting Brodal (left) receives the "Teacher of the Year" award from Head of Department Lars Birkedal.
Teaching Assistant of the Year 2017:
Katrine Scheel Nellemann (Interaction Design /Programming 2/ Introduction to Programming)
Sabine Oechsner (Regularity and Automata / Databases / Algorithms and Data Structures 1+2)
“TA of the Year” are awarded to one or two teaching assistants with the best consistent evaluation scores and remarks in course evaluations. Katrine Scheel Nellemann and Sabine Oechsner each receive the award on outstanding reviews on their courses throughout the year.
Katrine Scheel Nellemann (right) and Sabine Oechsner were awarded "TA of the Year".
Student Award 2017:
AU Hack 2017 Team:
- Rasmus Lunding Henriksen
- Mille Dam Skovhus Knudsen
- Daniel Graungaard
- Mark Flarup-Jensen
- Magnus Høholt Kaspersen
- Karl-Emil Kjær Bilstrup
The “Student of the year award” is awarded to one or more students who have contributed to the study environment, been an initiator(s) in remarkable extracurricular activities or in other ways have been outstanding representative(s) of the Department.
This year the award goes to the above six CS Students who were a part of the AU Hack 2017 organizer-team.
240 participants from all over the world took part in AU Hack 2017 - this years largest hackaton at Aarhus University, all organized by volunteer students from the IT city Katrinebjerg. At AU Hack, students and companies met for three days of networking, workshops and new technology. After 36 hours of networking, iteration and fun AUHack 2017 concluded Sunday April 2.
Selected highlights from AUHack 2017 available here. More information on AUHack 2017 here (article in Omnibus, Aarhus University paper, in Danish).
The AU Hack 2017 organizer-team. From left: Magnus Høholt Kaspersen, Daniel Graungaard, Mille Dam Skovhus Knudsen, Mark Flarup-Jensen and Rasmus Lunding Henriksen. Karl-Emil Kjær Bilstrup were unable to attend the event.