Aarhus University sessions at Digital Tech Summit
Aarhus University hosts a variety of sessions – ranging from Cybersecurity over Extended Reality to Smart Cities. Do not miss out, when leading researchers from Department of Computer Science and the School of Communications and Culture in company with experts from industry will present and discuss the merging of the physical and digital space in public arenas and city spaces, a new digital security infrastructure as well as the opportunities for experiencing completely new virtual worlds.

Session spotlight
Learn how to Build the Foundation for the Future of Cybersecurity
While blockchains are still a relatively new technology we see a new digital security infrastructure being designed with potentially deep impact on our society. It poses huge possibilities for better transparency, but remains a potential challenge to our economic institutions, digital interaction and sharing of information.
In this session, Bas Spitters and Diego Aranha from Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, Bernardo David from IT University of Copenhagen, and Kurt Nielsen from Partisia Blockchain will introduce the basic building blocks of blockchain technology and explore future applications of Cybersecurity issues based on the newest research within blockchains, Smart Contracts, and related technologies.
Don’t miss out! December 1 in conference room 1 from 14:00-15:15.
- Bas Spitters, associate professor, Department of Computer Science
- Diego Aranha, associate professor, Department of Computer Science
- Bernardo David, associate professor, ITU
- Kurt Nielsen, CEO, Partisia Blockchain
The challenges of creating an Extended Reality
With the rise of novel AR/VR/XR technologies, we see new opportunities for experiencing completely new virtual worlds but also the possibility of augmenting the real world with new capabilities. This development enables exciting new applications in, e.g., industrial design processes, remote collaboration, and psychology. However, there are still important unsolved challenges that underpin designing and creating XR experiences.
Four leading experts from research and industry discussing the latest advances on topics such authoring, interaction, perception, and participation. The session consists of lightning talks followed by a panel discussion, where the experts will do a more philosophical pondering on questions such as: How do we achieve standardization for the XR paradigm? What are the prospects and dangers of altering our reality? Are we going to have a Metaverse, and will smart glasses replace our smartphones?
Join the session, on November 30 in Sankt Hans Torv & Nørrebros Runddel B from 14:30-15:15.
- Ken Pfeuffer, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
- Tiare Feuchtner, Assistant Professor, University of Konstanz
- Germán Leiva, Assistant Professor, Digital Design and Information Studies
- Sune Wolff, CTO, SynergyXR
- Jens Emil Grønbæk, Postdoc, Department of Computer Science
Smart Society - Sustainable Digital Transformation in Cities and Communities
Digital infrastructure and smart technology solutions in cities are crucial not only for businesses and urban management, but also for the way we live, work, and socialize. Technology that can be used by everyone is imperative for the development of smart cities, and to prevent it barriers for sustainable adaptation.
In this session, associate professor Martin Brynskov from Aarhus University explores technical solutions such as IoT objects embedded in the cityscape that collect data, and the merging of the physical and digital space in public arenas and city spaces. Moreover, it will be address how policy making can influence how we create transparency and equality in the way we use, visualize and access smart city technologies.
Get SMARTer, on November 30 in conference Room 3, from 11:00-12:15. This session is part of the main theme “Connecting people with better networks”, which also includes the sessions “Smart buildings” and “Smart Energy”.
- Martin Brynskov, associate professor, Aarhus University
On Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, Digital Tech Summit brings together over 5,000 decision makers, engineers, companies, academia, startups, investors, and students, redefining tech leadership the digital sustainable tech transformation in industry and society. More information and registration at https://my.eventbuizz.com/event/digital-tech-summit-8890/detail