In November 2024, Stratis Skoulakis joined Aarhus University as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Computational Complexity and Game Theory…
Institut for Datalogi ved Aarhus Universitet har modtaget en bevilling på 3.032.900 kroner fra Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen til projektet 'Work…
Congratulations to Associate Professor Hans-Jörg Schulz and his team for receiving the 2025 VRVis Visual Computing Award.
The award recognizes…
Professor Marianne Graves Petersen er udnævnt som ny viceinstitutleder for uddannelse. Marianne bringer både erfaring og engagement til rollen,…
Congratulations to our new tenure-track Assistant Professor Stratis Skoulakis, who has been awarded the prestigious Villum Young Investigator grant by…
Yesterday, the paper Iris: Monoids and Invariants as an Orthogonal Basis for Concurrent Reasoning was awarded the Test-of-Time Award at POPL 2025!…
Professors Niklas Elmqvist and Susanne Bødker have been elevated to ACM Fellows by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), in recognition of their…
Den 7. februar inviteres alle de er interesserede i vores internationale bacheloruddannelser i Datalogi og IT-Produktudvikling til at besøge…
Aarhus cementerer sin position som et globalt IT-knudepunkt med åbningen af INCUBA Next, et 18-etagers center for innovation. Det tætte samarbejde med…
We are happy to announce that the research paper ‘The Nextgen Modality: A Modality for Non-Frame-Preserving Updates in Separation Logic’ has received…
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