Minutes - LSU meeting, May 15 2023

Meeting subject: Joint Cooperation Committee (LSU) meeting

Present at the meeting: Lene Hjøllund, Olav W. Bertelsen, Kaj Grønbæk, and Helena Bach

Unable to attend: Jens Kristian Refsgaard Schou

1. Messages from the chairman
The vice dean has vacated his position, and it can take up to six months to find a new candidate.

The WPA action plan for FastVIP is being worked on. The action plan for the Tenure Tracks will come later.

2. Status of the finances
The dean sent out an email detailing the finances. 40-45 positions have been eliminated by natural wastage, which has brought the number of layoffs down to 12-13 positions.

3. Proposal to change the standard holiday registration 
The proposal can be seen at the end.

Since the Christmas holidays get moved around from year to year it is uncertain if it will be generally possible to have the 5 days of holiday during Christmas for most VIP. 

There is also a greater focus on getting the employees to register their actual holidays, so only the few will use the standard registration. Kaj will bring it up at the next Faculty Meeting.

Tina will register the standard holiday in the new system MitHR, afterwards it can be changed in the system by the employee. Changes made by employees will be ac-cepted by Tina, cancellation of holidays must be approved by Kaj. 

The proposal is approved, but will be reviewed later, in case it does work for the standard employee.

4. Trial period in letters of appointment for VIP hirings
A three-month trial period has been put into all VIP letters of appointment by HR as a standard. Trial periods are a part of the Employers' and Salaried Employees' Act, but does not apply to hirings of VIP, according to the trade unions. 

There is also a signalling effect, as it might be a deterrent, especially for prospective foreign employees with families.

The trial period will be removed from all letters of appointment for VIP and Tenure Track but will stay for postdocs.

5. AOB

Proposal for change in the local agreement of the standard use of holidays at CS, effective from September 1, 2023, which is the beginning of the new holiday year

For salaried employees at CS
(VIP, TAP, PhD, etc.)


All employees at the Department of Computer Science will by default be registered by the following holiday profile if they have enough holidays.

As most VIP do not make use of the winter holiday (because of the start of the semester) and many of our foreign colleagues would prefer a longer Christmas holiday, the following has been proposed:

Standard holiday
•    1 week in the Autumn (week 42, 2023)
•    1 week during the Christmas week (week 51/52, 2023)
•    3 weeks in July (weeks 28, 29, and 30, 2024)

Special holidays
•    1 day in January after New Year’s Eve (January 2, 2024)
•    1 day after Ascension Day (May 10, 2024)
•    3 days during Easter (week 13, 2024)

Employees will be notified about the summer holiday April 1 (next time will be 2024) and an email about the holiday year 2023/2024 will be sent out at the beginning of the new holiday year (September 1, 2023).

Nice to know
The current local agreement of the standard use of holidays at CS:

Standard holiday:
1 week in the winter holiday (week 7)
3 weeks in the summer holiday/July (weeks 28, 29, and 30)
1 week in the autumn holiday (week 42)

Special holidays:
3 days during Easter
2 days between Christmas/New Year