LSU meeting October 22 2015

Participants: Lars Birkedal, Olav Bertelsen, Annemette Hammer, Marianne Dammand Iversen, Nervo Verdezeto, Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose, Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Charlotte Illum Nielsen (HR, observer)

Absent from the meeting: Kurt Jensen


Taking the minutes: Marianne Dammand Iversen


0. Comments on the minutes and agenda

1. CS economics (orientation, LB)

2. Staff Development Dialogue 2015 (orientation, LB)

3. New supplier of psychological counselling service (orientation, LB)

4. Appointments (orientation, LB)

5. Absence statistics (orientation, LB)

6. Evaluation of personnel policy (orientation, OB)

7. Evaluation of cooperation structure (orientation, OB)

(This is a follow-up on the evaluation, which LSU did last year and now has been processed by HSU. The item has been discussed at the FSU meeting on 7/10. Guide to ensure good conditions for cooperation in and between liaison committees

8. Physical/psychological workplace assessment (orientation, OB)

9. From quarter model to semester model (discussion, OB)

10. AOB

Re. 0. Comments on the minutes and agenda

OB promised that in future the chairmanship will make sure that the agenda will be sent out in English and that it contains the relevant appendix.

Re. 1. CS economics (orientation, LB)

LB went through CS economy on the basis of slides from the FastVIP meeting on September 2015. LB told that the revenue from overhead has gone 1.5 mil down compared with last year, due to a decline in external funding. The budget does, however, look good, primarily because we did not hire two associate professors as we had hoped to do.

Budget 2016-2019 The department expects to receive the same from overhead as previously. A part of the major projects, however, will end during this period, so it is important that members of academic staff are looking for funding.

OB points out that it is stressful for members of academic staff to always having to apply for funding and that the expected lower hit rate means that there will be a need for more realistic expectations.

LB was able to report that they are trying to argue with the management at ST /AU about being able to have savings and thereby transfer money from one year to another.

Re. 2. Staff Development Dialogue 2015 (orientation, LB)

LB is in the process of holding the SDD15 for FASTVIP. An invitation to research group managers will be sent out. AH will hold SDD for the secretariat Dec/Jan (exposed because of employment off new staff members)

Re. 3. New supplier of psychological counselling service (orientation, LB)

AU has a new supplier per 10.1.15 .

There is a 4-year agreement with the Consulting Firm Dansk Krisekorps to provide psychological counselling for all the university's employees.  As of 1 October 2015, employees who need psychological counselling should contact Dansk Krisekorps instead of Prescriba.Aarhus University has chosen to continue the agreement which has been running since 2012, where it is both possible to get consultation by referral and anonymous counselling. Only work-related issues are covered by the agreement.

The information about the counselling will be published in CS Today-newsletter as well as on

Re. 4. Appointments (orientation, LB)

Appointed a new office trainee per 10.15.2015 : Yasmin Marie Jensen

Appointed a new information officer: Frost Ingsdorf process, which has been trained as administrative assistant

Appointed new member of technical/administrative staff (Research group coordinator) per 11.1.2015 : Sofia Hedegaard Rasmussen

Professor vacancies: In the process

Associate professor vacancies: In the process, deadline 1.15.2016

There were only a few applications for the fundraiser position - the position will be revised.

Re. 5. Absence statistics (orientation, LB)

Only few long-term sickness otherwise not anything notable.

Re. 6. Evaluation of personnel policy (orientation, OB)

OB was able to tell that it is a time-consuming process to evaluate the personnel policy. A committee has been appointed, which is working to make the policy shorter and more clear and precise. The first draft will be sent out at the end of the year. There will be a consultation process at the beginning of 2016.

Re. 7. Evaluation of cooperation structure (orientation, OB)

(This is a follow-up on the evaluation, which LSU did last year and now has been processed by HSU. The item has been discussed at the FSU meeting on 7/10. In this context, there is prepared a “Guide til et godt SU-samarbejde” ).

The collaboration structure remains as before. It is now possible to merge LSU and LAMU, however, this is not desirable at the department.

Re. 8. Physical/ psychological workplace assessment (orientation, OB)

The work with the physical workplace assessment is in full swing. There is reported only few things, which is expected to be solved in the course of a few weeks.

Regarding the psychological workplace assessment, there has been a consultation, and it is expected that the questionnaire will look as the last time, however, without possibility for comments.

Re. 9.  From quarter model to semester model (discussion, OB)

At the Faculty of Science various forms of semester structure which can replace the present quarter model have been discussed. This has resulted in a proposal for a 15-week semester, with a week's break in the middle. In this way the members of academic staff will be able to use more time teaching instead to holding exams.

Re. 10.  AOB

AH draws attention to the fact that the deadline for submission of applications for the Competence Fund is December 15.