Contact person: Tina, unless others are mentioned in brackets
- Registration of Holidays and special Holidays, childcare days and sickness
- Keys and key cards
- Department car ”Miss Daimi” (Keys, diesel card, Brobizz, GPS)
- Department bikes (Student helpers)
- Ordering office supplies which can be collected at the "Pædagogisk Værksted" Ada-1
- Printer and copy machines (Student helpers)
- Lending out IT equipment (laptop, mobile phone, cameras, projector) (Simon)
- First Aid Kit
- Defibrillator (Nygaard building: Marianne, Ada building: Tina)
- Mail and packages (internal, mail, courier delivery, registered delivery)
- Coffee machine maintenance (Student helpers)
- Meetings: Planning, reserving rooms and ordering food (Tina and Student helpers)
- Coordinator for the student helpers
- Working environment representative