Adopted at the general meeting on 27 May 2014, revised at the general meeting on 22 February 2018
The staff club's name: CS Staff Club
The staff club's address: Department of Computer Science, Åbogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N
The aim is to:
· encourage the cooperation between the different staff groups at the Department of Computer Science
· initiate cultural, professional and entertaining events for the employees at the department
· to handle gifts to round-number birthdays (from 30 years) and critical illness for members of CS Staff Club.
Members of the staff club: Employees and PhD students with an association to the Department of Computer Science can be members. Any withdrawal can be done with at least one month's notice. Not permanent staff members' membership expires in connection with termination of employment.
Membership fee. The general meeting shall determine the amount of the annual fee, which is collected monthly over the pay slip. Non-paid employees can pay membership fees for respectively 6 months/12 months at a time.
Financial report The financial year is the calendar year. The financial report must be presented at the annual general meeting.
The staff club is managed by a general meeting and a board. The general meeting is the staff club's highest authority. Ordinary general meeting is held once a year with the following fixed agenda:
1. Election of chairperson
2. The Board's report
3. Presentation of annual accounts for approval
4. The fixing of this year's membership fees
5. Proposals received
6. Election of Board
7. Election of auditor
8. Any other business
For the board is elected chairman, treasurer and up to four other members for a period of 2 years.
The general meeting is the association's highest authority regardless of attendance. Decisions, including changes of by-laws, shall be made by a simple majority. Written voting must take place at a single member's request. Invitation to the meeting must be made within 14 days before the date of the meeting. Proposals for the agenda of the general meeting must be received by the chairman no later than 8 days before the date of the meeting.
There will be an extraordinary general meeting if at least two board members or 10 members submit an application in written, or if at least one third of the attendance at an ordinary general meeting request.
In cases of resolution of the staff club any assets shall accrue to other social purposes at the Department of Computer Science.