Psychological counselling service

Are you experiencing difficulties at work? Are you suffering from stress, cooperation issues or similar matters that influence your work? AU has an agreement with Dansk Krisekorps, a health advisory company, to provide psychological counselling for all the University's employees.

You can take advantage of the offer by contacting your manager or you can choose to be anonymous.

Consultation on referral

Via the referral scheme it is possible to get five hours of consultation with a psychologist or any other therapist/advisor.

To apply for referral, you must ask your immediate superior. You can choose to involve your union representative in this phase. When your immediate superior has been informed of the issue and has authorised funding of the consultations, the superior will then contact the psychological counselling service. Subsequently, a fully confidential process with a licensed psychologist or any other therapist/advisor is set up.

Anonymous counselling

You can contact the psychological counselling service (24 hours a day) directly on:

  • (you will then be contacted within 24 hours on weekdays) or
  • tel: 7022 7612 (9-15 on all weekdays) or 7022 7610 (acute).

A confidential process between you and a licensed psychologist or any other therapist is then established.

You will be offered three hours of consultation to begin with.

Read more about AU’s psychological counselling service here.

If you have any questions in relation to the service, you are welcome to contact your HR-partner.