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Talk by visiting researcher Thomas Sibut-Pinote on Mechanizing the Semantics of Tezos’ Bytecode in F*

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Torsdag 29. august 2019,  kl. 14:30 - 15:30


Nygaard-295 (building 5335, room 295), Dept. of Computer Science, Åbogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N


Concordium Blockchain Research Center Aarhus (COBRA)

Title: Mechanizing the Semantics of Tezos’ Bytecode in F*

Abstract:  In this presentation from 2017, I will recall work done during an internship towards the mechanization of the semantics of Michelson, the opcode language of the Tezos cryptocurrency, using the F* theorem prover. Partial correctness of simple contracts was achieved. We managed to cross-compile of our Fstar code with the rest of the Tezos Ocaml codebase and confront it to their standard benchmarks.

About the speaker: Thomas Sibut-Pinote is a PhD student at Inria Saclay/École Polytechnique

About the talk: The talk is open to everyone interested and is organized by the Concordium Blockchain Research Center Aarhus. For further information about the research center, please visit the center website: