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Results from Psychological Workplace Assessment

Dear employee at the Department of Computer Science

In the fall 2012 most of you participated in a questionnaire survey to clarify the psychological environment at the department. The response rate was more than 80% which gives us a very good basis for the upcoming work with elaborating action plans for improving the psychical working environment. Great thanks to you all.

Generally the results for Computer Science are good and in almost all areas better than or very close to the average results of Science and Technology. However, there are still areas where we need to make a special effort, e.g. to minimize stress and bullying.

The results can be found on this webpage where the most interesting is the report from Science and Technology. For the moment the report is only available in Danish, but on March 1 the most important parts will also be available in English (on the web-page above).

In the above report the answers from the department’s employees is divided into two groups; VIP and TAP. We have asked for three extra reports, so that the VIP results are divided into Permanent VIP, PostDoc+assistant professor and PhD students. We expect to have these reports around March 1.

The joint cooperative committee (LSU) has decided that we (as for the APV in 2009) elaborate the action plans in four working groups covering:

  • Permanent VIP (Olav Bertelsen)
  • PostDoc+assistant professor (Jan Midtgaard)
  • PhD stud (Peter Bro Miltersen)
  • TAP (Annemette Hammer)

where the four persons mentioned are head of the respective groups. Each group will consist of 4-8 persons, and if you are interested in participating in the group representing you please contact the head of the group.

During the elaboration each of the four working groups will hold meetings with the group of employees that they represent. Through these meetings we hope that all employees will contribute to the elaboration of the action plans.

The reports with the results of the questionnaire survey are in Danish. The action plans for PermanentVIP and TAP will also be in Danish, however, the work with the action plans for PostDoc+associate professor and PhD students will be in English.

The four action plans should be finished before May 1, 2013. The four heads of the groups and I compose a coordination group with the responsibility that the initiatives suggested in the action plans are carried out satisfactorily.

Best regards
Kurt Jensen
Head of Department